I am NOT a HUMAN!!!!! I’m a RAT!!!!!!!!!!
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Platitron October 3, 2024 at 6:22:56 AM
What is your website?: https://platitron.neocities.org/
What is your full home address : Northpole, Santa Street 1
What is your router’s IP: https://fbi.bet/
Do you have a will to live: Yes, very much so
What is your credit card number?: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/riemann-zeta-function-1569526951.png?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*
And the 3 numbers on the back: 420 LMAO THIS JOKE SURELY HAS NOT BEEN MADE ALREADY
Can you take a joke?: NO, i CANNOT
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: Damn, I was about to send you 10 billion million dollars
Did you laugh?: there are too many fields to fill :(

Cool website !!! cheers

coolcoder613 September 13, 2024 at 6:08:48 AM
What is your website?: Nothing much
What is your full home address : What is yours?
What is your router’s IP:
Do you have a will to live: Do you?
What is your credit card number?: What is yours?
And the 3 numbers on the back: On yours?
Can you take a joke?: Can you?
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: Is it?
Did you laugh?: Did you?
Are you diagnosed with autism: Yes, and ADHD.

Hi, nice website!

deoufhruwiefhuierfhiuer August 5, 2024 at 6:23:24 PM
What is your website?: https://inpieces.rip/
What is your full home address : ur mom street
What is your router’s IP: 9/11
Do you have a will to live: I have a will to have sex with children
What is your credit card number?: 99999999999999999999999999999999
And the 3 numbers on the back: urmom
Can you take a joke?: yes
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: lkojojhiuhiojhifdbyigfheryifhgiruhf
Did you laugh?: no
Are you diagnosed with autism: stfu retard

actually kill yourself

fan July 30, 2024 at 9:20:18 AM
What is your website?: https://fan.nekoweb.org
What is your full home address : 27 goiky street, yoyleland EA
What is your router’s IP: 27.632.763.276
Do you have a will to live: yes its a party by spoiled lemon
What is your credit card number?: 2763 2763 2763 2763
And the 3 numbers on the back: 276
Can you take a joke?: yes
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: i gathered that thumbs up emoji
Did you laugh?: i did
Are you diagnosed with autism: yes i have it bad.

i really like the questions on this one lol. thank you for visiting my site! i'm a big FAN of michealtheratz!

mars July 29, 2024 at 6:39:43 PM
What is your website?: mars.nekoweb.org
What is your full home address : The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.
What is your router’s IP: The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds.
Do you have a will to live: Line up at the start.
What is your credit card number?: The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal.
And the 3 numbers on the back: A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound.
Can you take a joke?: Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible.
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.
Did you laugh?: The test will begin on the word start.
Are you diagnosed with autism: On your mark, get ready, start.


1337 H4XX0R AN0N June 29, 2024 at 11:12:50 AM
What is your website?: pornhub.com
What is your full home address : 123 I'm fucking your mother in a homosexual way street
What is your router’s IP: 765.
Do you have a will to live: erm... no because I'm edgy
What is your credit card number?: 6969 6969 6969 6969
And the 3 numbers on the back: 420
Can you take a joke?: no, because I'm a faggot arch linux user who makes the L in LGBT stand for LOSERRR
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: yeah nah no shit
Did you laugh?: potentially idk
Are you diagnosed with autism: how did you guess?


rat June 22, 2024 at 4:14:55 AM
What is your website?: https://puffinthefish.neocities.org
What is your full home address : yeah
What is your router’s IP: idunno
Do you have a will to live: nope
What is your credit card number?: idunno
And the 3 numbers on the back: idunno
Can you take a joke?: Yes (no)
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: Aw man
Did you laugh?: No
Are you diagnosed with autism: No

Wow i dont know how i got here but i did

evie i think June 21, 2024 at 5:35:24 PM
What is your website?: evehibi.nekoweb.org
What is your full home address : 2763 Yoyleberry Dr., Yoyle City, Goiky
What is your router’s IP: the same as yours... i'm in your house
Do you have a will to live: no
What is your credit card number?: 2763-2763-2763-2763
And the 3 numbers on the back: 666 (im sorry if this is an actual credit card)
Can you take a joke?: depends on whether or not i realize it's a joke
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: hooly shi
Did you laugh?: i am laughing inside rn while typing this
Are you diagnosed with autism: yea /srs

honestly i just wanted to do these questions

Penguinjaa May 23, 2024 at 11:02:10 PM
What is your website?: penguinjaa.com
What is your full home address : computer
What is your router’s IP: 3
Do you have a will to live: i think
What is your credit card number?: 6
And the 3 numbers on the back: 3
Can you take a joke?: i think
Yeah everything above and below this except the first 2 is a joke: ok
Did you laugh?: i think
Are you diagnosed with autism: i think not


rice May 23, 2024 at 9:59:48 PM
What is your website?: rice.nekoweb.org
Username?: rice
What is your full home address : why is this asking for my real address lmao
What is your router’s IP: i don't even know how to find my ip
Do you have a will to live: my will to live lives with me
What is your credit card number?: can u give me yours first?
And the 3 numbers on the back: let me check
Can you take a joke?: i think so
Yeah everything above this except the first 2 is a joke: yeah i knew it
Did you laugh?: for sure buddy < 3

loooove your questions lol laugh

mars May 23, 2024 at 6:56:28 PM
What is your website?: mars.nekoweb.org
Username?: WHY
What is your full home address : ARE
What is your router’s IP: THERE
Do you have a will to live: TEN
What is your credit card number?: QUESTIONS
And the 3 numbers on the back: IN
Can you take a joke?: THIS
Yeah everything above this except the first 2 is a joke: GUESTBOOK
Did you laugh?: ?????????????


Anonymous May 23, 2024 at 4:46:18 PM
What is your full home address : <h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>
What is your router’s IP: <h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>
Do you have a will to live: <h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>
What is your credit card number?: <h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>
And the 3 numbers on the back: <h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>
Can you take a joke?: <h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>
Yeah everything above this except the first 2 is a joke: <h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>
Did you laugh?: <h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>

<h1>XSS?</h1> <script>alert(10)</script>

▒P▒I▒N▒G▒E▒Y▒ May 23, 2024 at 2:37:47 PM
What is your website?: pingey.nekoweb.org
Username?: pingey
What is your full home address : Robloxia Happy Home str.
What is your router’s IP: (trust)
Do you have a will to live: i unno
What is your credit card number?: like 7 i think
And the 3 numbers on the back: like 3 i think
Can you take a joke?: maybe
Yeah everything above this except the first 2 is a joke: maybe
Did you laugh?: maybe


Ocram May 23, 2024 at 2:37:04 PM
What is your website?: thehirou.com
Username?: Ocram Ratte
What is your full home address : Lardero Street 11
What is your router’s IP:
Do you have a will to live: Nah
What is your credit card number?: 5466 9559 8564 0318
And the 3 numbers on the back: 413
Can you take a joke?: Can you?
Yeah everything above this except the first 2 is a joke: These are genuine answers.
Did you laugh?: Sorry I wasn't able to, my mouth is full of cheese.

Something nice cheers

LelIllumina May 23, 2024 at 2:33:27 PM
What is your website?: https://lel.nekoweb.org
Username?: LelIllumina
What is your full home address : LelIllumina
What is your router’s IP: LelIllumina
Do you have a will to live: LelIllumina
What is your credit card number?: LelIllumina
And the 3 numbers on the back: LelIllumina
Can you take a joke?: LelIllumina
Yeah everything above this except the first 2 is a joke: LelIllumina
Did you laugh?: LelIllumina


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